Self-Care: 8 Ways to Add Structure to Your “New Normal” Routine

Due to COVID-19, many of you have found yourself in a new routine that looks a lot like some variation of staying in and going for walks. For many, that list also includes homeschooling kids and working from home. Finding balance can be a struggle!
No matter the season of life you’re currently in, see how to add some much-needed structure to your new routine. And, do us a favor, try at least one! It will make you feel so good, which is what self-care is all about!
1. Get Dressed Each Day
While PJs and your favorite ratty t-shirt are your go-to’s right now (we get it!), it’s time to snap out of your rut and start a new daily routine. First on the list? Get dressed! Throw on a cute and comfy outfit, something that makes you feel like “you” again.
This will not only up your at-home fashion game, but you’ll be shocked how good it makes you feel, not to mention how much more productive you will be.

2. Don’t Neglect Your “Me Time”
Some of you may have more time on your hands, while others of you may still be trying to unbury from the pile of new at-home responsibilities. If you find your days go by in a flash, try to remember to make time for YOU!
Whether it’s a peaceful walk, a relaxing bubble bath or even a FaceTime happy hour with your bestie, making self-care a priority will do so much for your sanity!
3. Keep the Clutter to a Minimum
Studies have shown surrounding yourself with clutter can make you even more stressed, especially in times when you’re at home more than usual.
If possible, gather the troops and divvy up responsibilities. We know those of you with kids may have a harder time with this;, however, now is a better time than ever to get the family involved in a new “picking up” routine.
4. Be Flexible With Schedules
Love sticking to a schedule? That’s great; just don’t stress about it as much right now.
Some days, your kiddos may be eager to do their schoolwork, Other days, you’re lucky to get 10 minutes of learning time in. And if dinner is late some nights because you decided to stay outside a little longer, don’t fret! Take each day as it comes and try not to create unnecessary stress due to schedules being “off” right now.

5. Pre-Make “Life Resumed” Plans
Dreaming of those postponed vacation plans, dinner dates, shopping and that sublime day you’re able to reunite with your local Lash Lounge family and get those lashes and brows beautified again? You’re not alone!
Don’t just wait for those exciting days to roll around; go ahead and make plans! Make a list of what you can’t wait to do and place it on the fridge so you can see it when you walk by. Then, add to it! Your list will probably fill up fast with all the day-to-day things you miss, but consider adding some fun new things, too! This may not seem like self-care, but giving yourself something to look forward to is good for your mental health.
6. Get Plenty of ZZZ’s
We know it’s easy to get sucked into those late-night Netflix binge sessions, but don’t make a habit of it. Getting rest is more important than ever right now. It is essential for your health, mental health, clarity and stress management.
See more great tips that recently shared about sleep.
7. Try Something New (Yes, Even from Home!)
A refreshing way to add balance to your “new normal” routine can also include embracing the NEW. For example: Try some new recipes, pick up a new hobby, start listening to podcasts, read a new book, listen to a different music genre than usual, tune into a virtual yoga or exercise class—the list goes on!
Leaning into something different is refreshing and can add a spark to your new self-care routine.
8. Care for Others
Have you thought about how caring for others can be part of your self-care routine? It can! Check on your neighbors via text, social media or a note on their doorstep, donate to a local food bank, support your local businesses and community or leave a care package for someone in need.
Self-care is essential for everyone and taking a moment to care for others is not only an act of kindness, it also makes you feel good, too!
Restored and Ready: We’re Looking Forward!
Here at The Lash Lounge, our motto during COVID-19 has been REST. RESTORE. REOPEN. Taking time for self-care is a big piece of the restoration puzzle. Join us. When day-to-day life resumes, you will be restored and ready!
For even more self-care tips for thriving during quarantine, see the great article recently published by